By some distance, Roedelius' darkest work. Hailed by The Wire as 'Album of the Month.
"Sometimes it comes through, sometimes it doesn't, but that's not up to me. It's up to chance". So said Jorge Luis Borges of his dream-like short stories. Which makes Roedelius a natural candidate to soundtrack Esther Linley's modern dance version of The Sandbook. From the bleak musique concrete of "Minotaurus" to the corpulent breathy synths of "The Old and the Young" to the searing free jazz car crash of "The Blind" his elastic musical range is ideal for expressing the sublimnated fear, anxiety, violence and release that lie beneath the surface of our daily lives. "Captured by Letters" unwhorls an old Harmonia/Eno outtake into ambient noir. Points of temporary calm skillfully leave you alone with your quiet thoughts while tantalising hints of warmth bathe you like an invisible sun. Finally, "Dance" bursts into epiphany - an awesome metallic folk ritual where sorrow, battered optimism, devotion and ectasy melt together in a triumphant finale.
Source: Stephen Iliffe