Named after a street in Berlin that honours his ancestors, his most 'modern' album to date.
Let's imagine for a moment that the now 66-year old Roedelius had been born in the 1980s and instead of being a Godfather of electronica was a cool young tyro a his digital workstation. Perhaps this is what the results might have sounded like? The elder Roedelius' signature arpeggiated keyboards given a distinctively trip hop slant, the warm analogue burr replaced with a pin-sharp digital production with FM blips and pads, dubby bass and pristine drum machine sounds. All of which makes it something of an oddity in the vast Roedelius discography, even with Eric Spitzer Marlyn and Fabio Capanni adding their reliably lyrical guitar licks. The self-consciously hip track titles - "Stridekid" - "Cheerweed" - express the contemporary mood of these dance-music-for-the-head work outs. All of which makes it, depending on your prejudices, either a refreshing variation of the Roedelius way or an uncool attempt at fitting in with the kids.