Quirky hybrid of piano and electronics with a hatful of joyful life-enhancing tunes
The random I-Ching cast of yarrow stalks that adorns the cover of Roedelius' sixth solo album illustrates the chance operations behind his improvisatory muse. Out of his subconscious, delicate yet naggingly catchy tunes emerge from silence through his fingers and straight into the listener's brain. A sprightly medieval lute pastiche, Debussy-like piano etudes, synth strings. These are subtly mixed in with quixotic electronics, gently strummed electric guitar and drum boxes to improve their own music box-like charm. Like the one and two minute vignettes "Harlekin" and "Pirouette" (Lustwandel is full of distressingly short pieces that leave you wanting more).
The last of Roedelius' albums to be produced by ex-Tangerine Dream's Peter Baumann, it retains the child-like simplicity of their previous collaborationGrosses Wasser with added tonal colours. All this topped off with gargantuan flourishes from Edgar Froese's old mellotron on "Langer Atem" (Long Breath), pure Sufi ecstasy with a menacing bass undertow big enough to sink a battleship.
Source: Stephen Iliffe