Geschenk Des Augenblicks - Gift Of The Moment
First UK release gets a rare marketing push and gifts Roedelius his biggest selling solo to date
Drawing from the neo-classical strains of Jardin au Fou with the additional of Tjitse Letterie's plaintive violin and Arjen Uittenbogaard's cello marks the moment that the more electronically-minded of his fans make their excuses and leave. "His music has grown a bit too sweet (even New Age)" complained critic Dag Erik Asjbornsen. But EG Records gains him a wider audience unaware of the Krautrock legends, not to mention an independent chart placing between Nick Cave and The Smiths. Taped at the Rotterdam studios of Coen de Neef, favourable press reviews draw comparisons with purveyors of upmarket mood music, such as Michael Nyman. As with Lustwandel the electronics are restricted to just-there shadings, but on the standout tracks de Neef multi-tracks his breathy piano lines into a dense physical attack that's as a bracing a statement as anything by Nick Cave and his ilk.
Source: Stephen Iliffe